Simplified Math’s Part 1: In the beginning, the child is introduced to the basic terms related to the numbers and measurement like bigger, smaller, top, bottom, on‐under number in words and figures, collection, etc. Place value and face value of a number up to 500 numbers. Then fundamentals of regro..
Simplified Math’s Part 1: In the beginning, the child is introduced to the basic terms related to the numbers and measurement like a bigger, smaller, top, bottom, on‐under number in words and figures, collection, etc. Place value and the face value of a number up to 500 numbers. Then fundamentals of..
Simplified Math’s Part 2: After the revision of Part I the numbers are given up to 1000. Shading places and face value, expanded form, skip counting, number line, ascending and descending numbers have been given up to 1000. Addition, subtraction up to the 3 digit numbers with carry over and borrowin..
Simplified Math’s Part 2: After the revision of Part I the numbers are given up to 1000. Shading places and face value expanded form, skip counting, number line, ascending and descending numbers have been given up to 1000. Addition, subtraction up to the 3 digit numbers with carryover and borrowing ..